Never A Dull Moment

The night before last, after I put Abby down for the night, I decided that when she wakes up in the middle of the night, I would just put her soother back in her mouth and leave. So I did it. The first time she woke, only an hour and a half had passed. She drifted off right away. Then once later in the night. Again, once the soother hit her lips, her eyes started to close and she was fast asleep. I thought this was great ! Whoo-hoo. So last night I had planned to do the same thing. So when she woke up at 2:45, I went in and found her soother. She cried. I put the soother in, she cried harder. It wasn't working, so I picked her up and nursed her. She drifted off but as soon as I put her in her crib she woke up again. So I picked her back up and rocked her. She sat there staring at me. Arg. So I took her back to bed with me. She wiggled and squirmed and fought sleep until 4:15. So today started with 2 cups of coffee and a short nap while she was still sleeping. This afternoon I got to have a real nap when she finally went down again. (She fought it again. I was beginning to think she wouldn't have a nap) So I'm feeling a mite better. I think she's having a growth spurt and she's teething. Poor little girl. She probably hurts all over. Hopefully tonight will be better.


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