Rants and Raves
I like to think that I'm a pretty good customer. I don't look down on the people who are serving me. I realize they are people who need to pay the bills. I don't expect my waitress to "hop to it" when I need something. I try to be very understanding. But I do have one big beef. I hate bagging my own groceries. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's my personal gripe but I really don't like doing it and I don't think I should have to. And now, not only do I have to bag my own groceries, I have to buy my own bags. Extra Foods is charging for bags. This I actually don't have a problem with. I have bought quite a few bags and I really like them. They are better bags, the groceries seem to fit in them better and it's not a big deal to use them. It's just I hate have to put my groceries in them myself. If I wanted to bag my own groceries, I'd have worked in a grocery store. (Which is, ironically, the only place I wouldn't have to bag groceries.)
Okay, rant done.
Mark and I switched mouses (mice?) for our computers. His mouse kept moving and when he's playing his game, he can't have the mouse going to all different places on the screen. However, I think it's worse on my computer. It won't stop moving around. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to have to buy a new mouse.
This weekend was really good. On Friday, Abby slept through the night. She didn't go down very well but once she did, she stayed down all night. Who-hoo. This was very good because I had the Women's Retreat the next day from 9-4 and I wasn't sure how I would be able to handle it with no sleep. The retreat was very good. The topic was Do I really Matter? It was nice to find out that I matter more than I thought. Oh, I know Abby needs me, but through the course of the day, we found that we matter more than we think. I also helped with the music over the day. I think it went really well too. But when I got home, I was a lot more tired than I realized. I can tell I'm tired when my patience is very low. And when Abby yanked the soother out of her mouth and threw it across the room and I nearly lost it, I knew it was time for a break. So Mark took her for awhile so I could relax. Eventually I did and we settled into sleep. She did not sleep through the night. Neither did she last night. She didn't even go to sleep until close to midnight and then only slept for an hour. Oh well, I enjoyed Friday's night sleep.
Abby is very much into screaming at the top of her lungs when she is happy. Or excited. Or interested in something. Or bored. Or awake. I am going to have permanent hearing loss if she doesn't grow out of this soon.