The Best Day
Yesterday was a good day. It was actually hot outside. In the morning, we all went and got some groceries. Then, after Abby's nap, she and I went to check on the blueberries. And they are ready!! Horray! I only picked two to show Mark. I had Abby in the trekker so it was going to be impossible to pick anymore than that. There are a lot more that will be ready next week so it looks like I will have a harvest after all. By the time we got home (we weren't gone long) I was hot and sweaty. I decided it was a beach day. Mark was busy so Abby and I got ready and drove to the beach. I bought a beach umbrella some time ago and it worked really well. Abby and I waded into the water. She really liked it this time. The water was cold but I got used to it right away. I waded up to by waist and dunked Abby's toes in. She really enjoyed it. Then we went back tot he beach and I sat her on the shore so the waves could splash her. She tried to grab the water. Then we went back to the towel and dried off. We were only gone an hour but it was really nice.

We watched the special Reunion Blue Jays game. I started by watching Jays Connected before the game so I could watch all the ceremonies but I fell asleep on the couch and missed the whole thing. I woke up in time for the actual game. Good thing I thought ahead and recorded everything. So I got to see it this morning. is it me or is Roberto Alomar even cuter now? It was amazing to see all the player...they are so old now!!! Except John Olerud. He still looks so young. It's too bad they lost but it was still fun to watch.
Today is another hot day. It would be another beach day but Abby had a difficult night last night so it's a nap-and-rest-all-day day. Those are fun too.
I bought a new kind of air freshener for Abby's room. The other one just wasn't cutting it. It was the plug-in kind and for the first day, it would be overpowering so I would turn down the intensity. Then I couldn't smell it at all. The kind I have now is the motion sensor type that sprays when it sees you. I like it a lot better. Now when I open the garbage to throw away a diaper, I get a whiff of linen fresh instead of day old poo. Much better.