A Good Day
Any day that I wake up in my own bed is a good one. Now I know how this sounds. But I don't care. I woke up in my own bed this morning and I feel great. In case you're still confused - if I wake up in my bed that means that Abby didn't wake up and I didn't have to take her into the spare bed and nurse her to sleep. So waking up in my bed is indeed, a good thing.
Last night she fell asleep at 6:30 and slept for nearly an hour. I actually broke one of my rules by waking her up. I went in her room and she opened her eyes but fell back asleep. So I started folding her laundry in her room. That's when she woke up. But I really didn't want her to sleep for any longer. And it turned out fine. She went to bed around 11:15 and slept till 7:30. Then we all got up and went to the church pancake breakfast. Our church is celebrating 25 years so they are having stuff all weekend. This afternoon we're going to Denare Beach for an afternoon at the beach. And guess what...the weather is cooperating!!! It's a bit chilly now but by the time the afternoon rolls around, it should be beautiful. I'm very excited. Yesterday was gorgeous so Abby and I went blueberry picking. And for once, there was someone else out there. So we talked for a bit and she let me have the big patch that was in the open and she went to a different, patch that was more in the bushes since I had the stroller. Most of the blueberries are small this year, but the newer plants have good sized berries on them. But I gotta tell you, I need to find a better way to get to the blueberries. I took my normal path but I spent one section carrying the stroller instead of pushing it. I think there is an ATV path that runs near the blueberries so next time I'm going to take that and see if it leads me to any blueberries. 