No More Caffeine Berfore Bed!!

For the last few evenings, I've really wanted a cup of tea, but Abby was not cooperating so I never did. Last night, Abby was playing nicely so I decided to make some tea. It was delicious. A bit of milk and a scoop of sugar and my tea was great! One big problem. I could not fall asleep last night. I guess there was some good that came out of it. I was awake when Abby woke up at 1:15am and I was still awake when she fell asleep at 3am. I wasn't even cranky. Well, maybe when she kept kicking me. I did finally fall asleep when she did at 3am. She then woke up at 5am, 6 am and 7am but only for a few minutes at a time. I'm not feeling too bad today. We both enjoyed nice naps this morning. But now I tea before bed...well maybe herbal tea.


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