New Year, New Post!
Happy New Year everybody. Hope last night wasn't too rough on you! I made it up to midnight! I haven't done that in years! Well, the last few days have been crazy! We celebrated 4 Christmases - and none of them were actually on the 25th! Oh well, it doesn't really matter to me, Jesus wasn't really born on December 25th, so it shouldn't matter what day we all get together to celebrate it. On the 22nd, we packed up the family and drove to Regina for our second Christmas (the first was our immediate family a few days before). It was a nice time. Lots of food and family. Plus a visit from my best friend. Awesome. Abby had a good time playing with her cousins. On Christmas Eve, we drove to Swift Current to see my Grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins. Abby had her first nap in a big girl bed. She did very well - must have been very tired! We had another great visit and even more food! Then it was off to Moose Jaw. In no time, all the family gathered. Four couples with five children invaded the house but I don't think they minded! Abby fell in love with her youngest cousin - only 3 weeks old. Anytime I was holding her, she would climb in me lap and want to hold her. So I would hold the baby in Abby's lap. She would try and rock her, pat her leg, then give her little kisses on her forehead and say, "oh baby, no cry baby". That little girl is going to make a great mommy one day. I have no idea where she gets it from. I never like kids like that when I was young. I was worried about her being rough with the baby or jealous I was holding her, but I shouldn't have worried. Abby was great.

Now we're taking it easy. Mark still has a few days off - I'm back at work. Last night we had fondue. We had the cheese one for supper (Abby also had spaghetti). A the last minute, we decided to only make half the cheese. But we had already put in the full amounts of everything else so it turned out a little different than it should have. Oh well, next time. After Abby went to bed, we made the chocolate fondue. Wow, was it ever rich! Maybe a touch more milk next time. We put in a movie around 11:00 pm and made some wings. We almost finished the movie but we were so tired. At least we made it past midnight!

I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions this year. Usually I do but I haven't even thought about it until just now. I could go back to the old, try and walk more, be more patient with Abby, play more etc. But I don't know. Maybe I'll try to think of a good one and let you all know.
Now we're taking it easy. Mark still has a few days off - I'm back at work. Last night we had fondue. We had the cheese one for supper (Abby also had spaghetti). A the last minute, we decided to only make half the cheese. But we had already put in the full amounts of everything else so it turned out a little different than it should have. Oh well, next time. After Abby went to bed, we made the chocolate fondue. Wow, was it ever rich! Maybe a touch more milk next time. We put in a movie around 11:00 pm and made some wings. We almost finished the movie but we were so tired. At least we made it past midnight!
I haven't made any New Year's Resolutions this year. Usually I do but I haven't even thought about it until just now. I could go back to the old, try and walk more, be more patient with Abby, play more etc. But I don't know. Maybe I'll try to think of a good one and let you all know.