The dog stinks. Really bad. She also threw up 3 times today. Yes, this and more exciting stories on the weekly update of Emily's blog!
Seriously, 3 times. Only once while Mark was home so I had to clean up dog puke twice! Yuck.
Day two of Operation Potty Training. It's not going so well. I leave her in panties all morning until she goes to the baby sitter's. I give her lots of juice and ask her if she needs to go pee. She always says yes. Then she plops her little bum on the potty and giggles. Then she grabs some toilet paper flushes, throws the toilet paper in the toilet, flushes again. Jumps off the potty, flushes again. Tries to pull up her underpants, pulls them off, pulls them up, pulls them off, throws them in the toilet. then runs around the house, climbs up on her chair to watch stories and pees on the kitchen chair. I'm not too sure if this is just because it's only the second day or because it really is too early. I don't want to give up this easily so I think I'm going to give it a week. If she is still peeing on the kitchen chairs then I'll give up and try again later.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that not all New Year's Resolutions are good ones. I may update regularly but it won't be that interesting. Or appropriate for polite conversation.
P.S. Did I mention Abby spilled her apple juice on the bathroom floor while Dee Dee was puking. We are running out of paper towel!!!
Seriously, 3 times. Only once while Mark was home so I had to clean up dog puke twice! Yuck.
Day two of Operation Potty Training. It's not going so well. I leave her in panties all morning until she goes to the baby sitter's. I give her lots of juice and ask her if she needs to go pee. She always says yes. Then she plops her little bum on the potty and giggles. Then she grabs some toilet paper flushes, throws the toilet paper in the toilet, flushes again. Jumps off the potty, flushes again. Tries to pull up her underpants, pulls them off, pulls them up, pulls them off, throws them in the toilet. then runs around the house, climbs up on her chair to watch stories and pees on the kitchen chair. I'm not too sure if this is just because it's only the second day or because it really is too early. I don't want to give up this easily so I think I'm going to give it a week. If she is still peeing on the kitchen chairs then I'll give up and try again later.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that not all New Year's Resolutions are good ones. I may update regularly but it won't be that interesting. Or appropriate for polite conversation.
P.S. Did I mention Abby spilled her apple juice on the bathroom floor while Dee Dee was puking. We are running out of paper towel!!!