Hi, My Name is Emily...

Everyone remember the story of Pavlov's dog? He'd ring a bell and serve his dog some food. He'd do this everyday, always in the same way, ring a bell, give the food. Pretty soon the dog was so used to it that he'd ring the bell and the dog would start salivating even without any food.

Everyday when I get to work, I turn on my computer (it takes 10 minutes to load I kid you not) and go and get a glass of water. The last few days, I have been so thirsty when I get to work. And the other day, when I dropped off Abby and got back in my car to drive to work, I realized that I was incredible thirsty and could hardly wait to get some water. Kinda makes you think....

Another admission....I've been stalking my friend. She lives across the street and was due to have a baby last Sunday. Every time a car drove by, I'd check out my window, every time I saw a light on in her house, I'd watch to see if anyone was leaving. Yesterday, when Abby and I got home, we played outside for awhile. Not to watch, but to enjoy the beautiful day. And to watch. This morning I was checking my Facebook - for news, and found out she had a baby girl last night. Awesome! So now Abby has a new baby to be obsessed with.

Just got back from the library. A book I requested had come in. Wow, the library sure is a quiet place without a small child running around. It gets pretty loud during Toddler Time, with all the kids. You get used to it and forget that a library is usually a place of quiet. I had time to stroll and look at different books. It was relaxing. I didn't want to leave. I was going to go this morning with Abby for her Toddler Time, but she hurt her toe a few days ago and it got swollen and red looking. She last night we clipped the toenail (took both of us pinning her down) and put a band-aid on it. Well, this morning she woke up with a band-aid on her toe and the world had ended. All morning she sat and held her toe and whimpered, "Owie toe, owie toe!" When it was time to go, she wouldn't out on her socks or shoes or boots or anything. I barely got pants on her. So after half an hour of chasing her around the house with a pair of socks (actually it ended up being four pairs of socks in the end) I gave up. Instead, I made a lasagna for my friend (the one who just had a baby, I don't make lasagnas for random people). Abby eventually got over her toe, she ripped off the band-aid - it kinda fell off, and without the reminder, she happily put on socks and shoes to go the sitter's house. Should have done that right away!


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