
What can I say? I don't know what to say. I really don't. Maybe that's why I have posted yet or clogged up anyone's twitter/Facebook feed. 

Let's start at the beginning. I drove to Saskatoon (all alone!) on Saturday after lunch. It was a beautiful day and I was in my zone. Clear skies, clear roads and loud music to sing along to. I brought along all the Dixie Chicks CDs and listened to them chronologically. I didn't get to the last one when I rolled into town and had to concentrate on finding my sister's house. I had been there before and we did a lot of driving around so I was pretty comfortable finding her house.  

Us girls (me, my sister and her two daughters) went to Moxie's for supper. My niece won a gift certificate to McNally Robinson so we headed there afterwards. It has been a long time since I was in there (I used to work there) and I think I got lost once or twice! We looked around for awhile before getting a few things - the girls love their ladybug!! When we got home, it was nearly time for the girls to go to bed. Julie and I opened a bottle of wine and started watching the Rider game that she recorded form the afternoon. It was a lot of fun to watch (until the end when the wine wore off, and it became clear that the Riders weren't going to win). It didn't feel like tomorrow was the day of the concert. The next day we just lazed around until it was time to get ready. I brought a few different clothing options but decided on my jeans, new shirt and my boots. I'm glad I did - more on that later. When I left the day before, it was beautiful weather but a storm was approaching and it was raining/snowing. When we left for the concert, it was still kinda raining and generally not nice, but we got a good parking spot so it really wasn't too bad. Still didn't feel we were actually going to the concert. While we were waiting, we could hear the Dixie Chicks doing their sound check. They sounded awesome!! After a few minutes of waiting, our VIP group was taken through the doors to have our reception. There were some appetizers and drinks. We relaxed and sat around until it was time to line up for the meet and greet. And it still didn't feel like this was the concert, just a fun party we were going to. Our host told us to follow her so I did, and Julie and I ended up being the first in line. We were let into the boardroom when they walked in. I had been waiting for this moment for so long and here is was. They were there. And they were real. I mean, real. Really real. I knew they were real because, well obviously, but there they were. We were allowed to get one thing signed and get a picture taken with them so Julie went up and got her (my) CD book signed and I just waited until Martie smiled and kinda invited me over. I had imagined how this would go a million times and yet when it happened, I didn't know what to do. Thankfully they've done it a few times and took the lead. I handed her my banjo strap to sign and she asked me really nicely if I am a guitar player. I just kinda smiled and said, "It's my banjo strap." Then they laughed and by that time I was in front of the banjo player (who is also named Emily) and smiled at me. I guess Julie must have td them our names because she said, "So, you're Emily." I think I nodded. By that time it was time for the picture so we all lined up and smiled. I managed to get ahold of myself somewhat and thanked them and told them that I really appreciated meeting them. We left the room and I burst into tears. Still didn't feel real.

The opening act - Charlie Mars had started his set while we were still waiting for the meet and greet so by the time we found out seats (front row!!) he was on his last song. So we took a few pictures and before you know it, the lights dimmed and the music started. They walked onstage and started playing. Still couldn't believe this was happening. But they were right there. Right in front of me. I watched Emily play her dobro. I saw how she holds it. I saw what fret she puts the capo on her banjo on what songs. I saw that Natalie actually put on flats, rather than going barefoot as one reporter said. I saw Martie decide to use a different fiddle in the beginning of Mississippi and missed a cue in a different song and how Emily laughed at her. I even recognized some of the members of their band. In particular, Keith Sewell who is an amazing guitarist and has toured with before. It was so much fun. They had so much fun. I could see it on their faces. They were happy to be on that stage. They were happy to play those songs they've played a million times. They were just happy. And so was I. 

They played about 22 songs and came back for their encore. For the encore, they played Travelin' Soldier (just the three of them, no band) and then Not Ready to Make Nice. Then it seemed like they were going to leave. I got really worried because I really really wanted them to play Mississippi and I knew that they played it last but I thought for a second that maybe they cut it. I was so disappointed until i saw one of the roadies in the wings holding Emily's banjo. Unreal. Amazing. Unbelievable. 

And then we opened the doors to walk back to the car. Ha! That brought us back to reality. The wind was blowing so hard and it was snowing! So glad I decided on my boots. Those California people we met at the concert who were complaining about the cold weather before much have been swearing when they walked out to this! We managed to run to the car without falling! I have not ran for that long in a very long time. The roads were pretty bad driving home and I really wasn't looking forward to driving home the next day. So I waited until after lunch and attempted the long drive home. It was ice covered from Saskatoon to Davidson. Actually, after Blackstrap, it improved for a bit but then quickly went back to ice. I stopped in Davidson to get a drink and rest my eyes. I was already going buggy eyed. I figured I would divide the trip into smaller trips. I figured the next place to stop would be chamberlain and I could get out and rest my eyes again. When I left, I was ready for the next adventure. Not less than a kilometre later, the roads cleared and the ice disappeared. There was another driver who pulled into the Davidson gas station with me and we left about the same time. I think we were both a bit unsure whether the nice road was going to last because for awhile, we still drove 80 kms/hr. Finally, and I think at the same time, we realized that it was going to be okay, and we sped up to a more reasonable speed. It was a great weekend but it was nice to get home and get some good hugs from my girls. Isabelle was so happy to see me. And Abby told me how much she missed me and how glad she was that I'm back. She actually told me I could't leave her sight for awhile because she didn't want to miss me again. 

All throughout the weekend, the common theme seemed to be, this can't be real. We often said to each other how it didn't seem real that this was the weekend of the concert. Even when we were there it still felt like I was just there for a fun weekend of hanging out. And to be honest, if that was all it was, it was have been awesome too. It was a coincidence that the concert fell in the middle of our birthdays but it got me thinking. I propose (and if you're reading this Julie, let me know) that this should be an annual event. Not the concert part, although that would be awesome too, but once a year, on a weekend between our birthdays, we should meet at one of our houses and spend the weekend together. You hosted this year, so next year, you can come here. Bring a bottle of wine, and I'll find something fun for us to do. What do you think? 

While you're pondering that, here's some pictures of us!!

At the VIP reception. 

The autographs!!

Emily, me, Natalie, Julie, Martie

Julie and I are waiting for the show to start

Charlie Mars 

The crowd

The empty stage. Oh, exciting!!

Here we go!!


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