Resolutions Revolutions

Yeah, yeah, I know it's too early for making New Year's Resolutions but if this isn't your first time reading my blog, you know I love being early. I looked back to see what my resolutions were for the last few years and to see if I kept any. Boy, oh boy. Here's a few of them:

Clean better (lasted until the summer then totally abandoned it again until the fall. As of December, completely abandoned) 
Relax (I doubt I lasted the week)
Read more (this one I think I kept fairly well. Often when I watch The Daily Show, I write down the names of the books that interest me and then I order them from the library. This has worked great for me. Except for the last few weeks when my books lay lonely on the counter.)
Take it easier on myself (HA!!)
Don't be so cheap (I am determined to keep this one. In an effort to save one dollar, I bought the store brand cheese whiz. When I opened it, it looked like plastic. I give it to the kids. They don't seem to mind but I can't bring myself to eat the orange paste. Also, I bought the cheap margarine squares and made whipped shortbread with them. Big mistake. I made them again with the more expensive margarine (that I bought 2 for 1) and they were way better!! No comparison. So I will try and go for quality over frugality. 
Blog regular (that lasted quite awhile. Tapered off, now I'd like to pick it up. Yet to be seen)
Walk more (doubled over in laughter)
Read to kids (every night I read to Abby. But often books are chosen for their brevity, rather than their content. I tried reading her the Little House on the Praire series and for awhile that worked really well. I'm reading her The Christmas Carol right now and I'm enjoyed it very much. I will instil a love of classic literature in her if I have to die trying!!
Eat healthy (chocolate is a fruit. Shut up)
Scrap booking ( I received a bunch of new stamps this summer. You'd think I'd have all my books done my now. You'd be wrong.)

But I'm not giving up. I will again, this year, make a list of my New Year's Resolutions.
I will renew my resolutions to be organized in my housecleaning. I have fallen off the wagon, and I will get back on. Starting in January. 
I will try to be more calm. No one likes it when I yell, and I don't want Abby thinking that it's okay to yell when you're frustrated or upset. I will figure out another way to change my frustrations. This kinda goes together with the "take it easy on myself" resolution. I'm not perfect, but I can improve.
I will not scrimpe on Cheeze Whiz anymore. I have learned my lesson. I have also tried a Walmart fast (turned into more of a Walmart diet, but I'm trying). 
As for blogging, I'm not too concerned with that. If it means a sporadic updating schedule compared to an evening walk or a good book. I'm picking the latter two. Sorry. 
I will (deep breath) try harder to live a more healthy lifestyle. This combines both the exercise and eating better. If that means walking at the track at the hockey rink, or doing all the workout apps I have on my iPad then so be it. Also, more veggitables. But tasty ones, no peas. Yuck. 
Hobbies - I will (again, deep breath) try to find time to do things I enjoy. Whether that means scrap booking, playing music or spending time with my friends, I will make a conscious choice to do it. TheIPad may provide hours of entertainment but it's hollow entertainment. And it makes me sleepy. 

So here goes...starting in Jaunary. Wish me luck!! 


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