Updated! Finally

Has it really been a month already? October FLEW by. Abby managed to have her party. In fact, if you count the party we had for her, and each of the grandparents' parties, she had 4 parties! It was the month of birthdays. Plus, I had my birthday too. Mark took me out to a nice restaurant, we got a sitter! It was so nice and relaxing. We also spent time in Moose Jaw with Mark's parents and celebrated Thanksgiving with them. Then I took the kids to visit my friend's farm. They have cows and horses (we didn't get to see the horses) and the cat had kittens. It was a lot of fun. So instead of trying to explain everything, I will show it all in pictures!!

This is Abby's piƱata that we made. It's supposed to be a giraffe. I am as good at crafts as I was at Abby's age. But she loved making it, painting it and especially, hitting it!!

We had a great Halloween. Abby was a knight and she was so brave going Trick or Treating. Isabelle was going to go as a princess but she skipped her afternoon nap and fell asleep at supper. Next year.

This is my big news. Tomorrow I and heading to Saskatoon to see the DIXIE CHICKS!!!!! I could not be more excited. I cannot believe that I am actually going to see them live. For my birthday, my parents surprised me with BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!!! I was so shocked and overwhelmed I burst into tears. I knew I was getting tickets, so when I opened the card and saw a paper saying Dixie Chicks tickets, I kinda laughed. Then I read farther and got to the part where it said, meet the Dixie Chicks. That's when it hit me. Wow. I've been trying not (and failing) to read any reviews or see a setlist. But I can't help it. I honestly thought this would never happen so I am going to be as excited as I want. I'm going to attempt to be cool when I meet them but I think that as long as I don't cry, I'll be fine. Be prepared for a poorly worded, picture heavy post next. Expect lots of Caps. 


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