Hell Week
That’s what we call it around here. When my husband has to work twice as much to get through all the marking, all the report cards and all the parent teacher interviews. He spends all his extra time - weekends as well at school or working at home.
Meanwhile, my week so far has been a lot busier than normal. Stuff keeps piling on my desk and there’s no way I can get it all done. Thankfully it doesn’t need to get done right away. And the stuff that does need to get done right away...well, I’m almost done.
I have a feeling this weekend is going to be a very relaxing one!!!
My dog staring longingly out the window while my husband was away:
Meanwhile, my week so far has been a lot busier than normal. Stuff keeps piling on my desk and there’s no way I can get it all done. Thankfully it doesn’t need to get done right away. And the stuff that does need to get done right away...well, I’m almost done.
I have a feeling this weekend is going to be a very relaxing one!!!
My dog staring longingly out the window while my husband was away: