Kickin’ Butt
My oldest daughter was in Taekwondo for four years. Because of that, and the people I met, I decided to join but I only lasted a year. And it was a great experience. I learned a lot, got a lot of great exercise and met some awesome people. The problem was that it didn’t fit so well into my and my family’s schedule.
Right now, the Taekwondo club is in Toronto at a tournament. I’ve been watching all of them posting pictures and videos from their sparring and patterns. And them with all of their medals!! They really did an amazing job and represented the club very well. And I admit, I felt a pang of jeolousy. And I started thinking, is there a way to fit it back into my schedule?
So I took a look at the activities that kids will be in this coming fall. And I looked at how they line up and how it would fit if I did sign up again.
Short answer: not great.
Long answer: I would have to get my husband to pick up the slack. Even more than he already is.
So here I am. Looks like I won’t be signing up any time soon. But I do want to do something. I could go back to exercising early in the morning or in the evenings or maybe on the weekend. I just don’t think I have enough motivation or will power to actually go through with it. I want to. Or more accurately, I want to want to.