A Visitor

I was sitting on the couch the other evening when I heard a meadowlark. Nothing too out of the normal but it was pretty loud. So I thought I’d go and look to see where it was. It was perched right on the top of the swing set. So I got out my monocular to get a better look. It was so beautiful. 

I started taking pictures. As many as I could before it flew away. So I sat back down and started to look through the pictures I had. Then I heard it again. Sure enough, it was back on the swing set. So I took another bunch of pictures before it flew off again. Four or five times it did this and these are the best of the pictures I took. 

I’ve always loved meadowlarks. They are my favourite non-hawk bird. When we first bought this property and there were no houses around they were always around. I was so worried that once we had the house, and the other houses showed up that the meadowlarks wouldn’t come around. They are notoriously shy. But year after year they come back. And I’m so happy they do. 


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