Well That Was Unexpected

I was sitting in the couch this morning reading my book. I had just finished my coffee when I glanced out the window. 

At this point, I should point out two things...
1. We don’t own cows. 
2. I am afraid of cows. Especially bulls. They always look like they are about to charge. Oh, and I learned that the dog doens't really like cows either.

They wandered over to our trees and broke a few branches. Snapped one tree right in the middle. I called up a neighbour and asked her if she knew who these boys belonged to.

I grabbed my pitchfork (yes, actually a pitchfork) and tried to chase them out of my trees. But I had a bit of a dilemma. I wanted them out of the trees so they wouldn’t damage any more of them but I didn't want them to run off if the owner was in his way and I also didn’t want them to charge me. 

After a short time of yelling at them a guy on a quad came down the road and rounded them up with no problem and drive them away. Not the ideal way to meet the neighbours but what do you do? 

In bird news, all the chicks have left the nest. When I checked on the horned lark, the chick was gone and there were two little eggs left. This morning I thought it would be a good opportunity to show the girls the nest. I was a bit surprised when I saw three eggs again. I don't know who put the other egg back in, or why, but there it was. I guess I'll just leave it alone and see what happens. Though I can't imagine anything will. But who knows, wouldn't be the first time I was surprised. 


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