Kiss a Frog
For the last two nights, and another night a few weeks ago, while walkng the dog, I came across a frog. I took a picture of it on two occasions and they look pretty similar. The one I saw Monday night was noticeably larger - wider. (Side note: this is why I take my phone outside with me all the time. The time I don’t I totally miss out!)
According to a publication from the Government of Canada (
“Mortalities of Northern Leopard Frogs from vehicle traffic are frequently reported near Estevan, Saskatchewan (A. Didiuk, upubl. data) but this threat is likely uncommon throughout the remainder of the range.”
I get this. Whenever I see them, they are on the gravel. I can walk right up to them and take a photo. They just don’t move - one of my fears now is stepping on one!
I’m not the biggest fan of frogs. I think they’re neat and all but they’re kinda slow and lumpy looking. But they are a living thing and an important part of the ecosystem here on Kroeker’s Acres. So in that way they’re interesting. We have lots of salamanders too but so far no turtles. Pretty soon the deer will be moving around more. I’ve already seen geese flocking, preparing to head south.
I’m going to miss all my hawks but I’m hoping some snowy owls show up. I saw one here a couple years ago but they are even more skittish than hawks so it’s nearly impossible to get a good photo!