Part II (V.2 - The Spell Checked Edition)
(You can tell I was tired, I totally forgot about the all important spell-check. So I'm back with a slightly better version. I'm sure it's not perfect because I still don't care too much about grammar, but it should be easier to read now)
I'm feeling a lot better now that a week has past. I can give you a few more details now...
Her name is Abigail Jane Kroeker. She was born October 1 at 8:13pm. She weighed 10 lbs 2oz. She is now almost back to her birth weight. She's very strong and very cute.
I went to the hospital on Monday at 8:00am to be induced. Nothing happened. So they tried again Tuesday morning with the Oxytocin. I had some strong contractions for about an hour but when I got up to walk around, the contractions stopped. So we shut it down for the night. Wednesday morning, they tried a third way to get me going. Nothing. So that afternoon, around 3:30 the doctor came in and broke my water. It took about 10 minutes before the very strong contractions started. Then he hooked up the Oxytocin again. That's when the very very strong contractions started. By 5:30 I went from 2cm to 10cm was ready to push. So I pushed for what seemed like 20 minutes but was actually an hour and a half. I could tell nothing was happening. We tried a few different things but she wasn't moving. The doctor finally said that we had to do a C-Section. I was just so relieved by that point I didn't care. I hadn't had any drugs up to that point but by the end I was asking for the gas. But then since we were going to the operating room, I couldn't get anything for the pain. The pain was bad enough when I knew it was for a good cause but now that I was going in for a C-Section, I wanted it to stop. But they wheeled me down to the OR and got me ready. I'm telling you, the anesthetists is my new best friend. I was in the middle of a contraction when he put the needle in. Then he told me to lay down. I was so bent over in pain I didn't think I could but as soon as the medicine kicked in I could fully relax. It was such an amazing feeling. Then Mark came in all dressed up in the scrubs with the hair net and mask. It didn't take them too long before they puller her out and Mark got to yell out "It's a girl!" I got to see her little face before they whisked her and Mark away. Then the doctors sewed me back up again and I stayed awhile in the Recovery room. I was shaking so hard from the anesthetic. They kept putting warm blankets on me but I was arm already. I guess the body goes into shock after something like that. The doctor told me today that I had lost a lot of blood so he gave me some iron pills to take. I can definitely tell because a trip up and down the stairs is like running a marathon. That's why I haven't been around much to update. But I'm feeling much better now and it doesn't hurt to laugh anymore. Abby went for her first check-up and she's doing really well.

I'm feeling a lot better now that a week has past. I can give you a few more details now...
Her name is Abigail Jane Kroeker. She was born October 1 at 8:13pm. She weighed 10 lbs 2oz. She is now almost back to her birth weight. She's very strong and very cute.
I went to the hospital on Monday at 8:00am to be induced. Nothing happened. So they tried again Tuesday morning with the Oxytocin. I had some strong contractions for about an hour but when I got up to walk around, the contractions stopped. So we shut it down for the night. Wednesday morning, they tried a third way to get me going. Nothing. So that afternoon, around 3:30 the doctor came in and broke my water. It took about 10 minutes before the very strong contractions started. Then he hooked up the Oxytocin again. That's when the very very strong contractions started. By 5:30 I went from 2cm to 10cm was ready to push. So I pushed for what seemed like 20 minutes but was actually an hour and a half. I could tell nothing was happening. We tried a few different things but she wasn't moving. The doctor finally said that we had to do a C-Section. I was just so relieved by that point I didn't care. I hadn't had any drugs up to that point but by the end I was asking for the gas. But then since we were going to the operating room, I couldn't get anything for the pain. The pain was bad enough when I knew it was for a good cause but now that I was going in for a C-Section, I wanted it to stop. But they wheeled me down to the OR and got me ready. I'm telling you, the anesthetists is my new best friend. I was in the middle of a contraction when he put the needle in. Then he told me to lay down. I was so bent over in pain I didn't think I could but as soon as the medicine kicked in I could fully relax. It was such an amazing feeling. Then Mark came in all dressed up in the scrubs with the hair net and mask. It didn't take them too long before they puller her out and Mark got to yell out "It's a girl!" I got to see her little face before they whisked her and Mark away. Then the doctors sewed me back up again and I stayed awhile in the Recovery room. I was shaking so hard from the anesthetic. They kept putting warm blankets on me but I was arm already. I guess the body goes into shock after something like that. The doctor told me today that I had lost a lot of blood so he gave me some iron pills to take. I can definitely tell because a trip up and down the stairs is like running a marathon. That's why I haven't been around much to update. But I'm feeling much better now and it doesn't hurt to laugh anymore. Abby went for her first check-up and she's doing really well.
