My birthday was one for the books. Abby did not nap at all during the day. She would fall asleep in my arms then when I put her down, she'd cry. So needless to say, we both missed our naps and were both pretty cranky. Luckily, Mark's mom arrived just in time and she took Abby so I could sleep. I did manage about 10 minutes of sleep before supper. But by then I was feeling better. Last night she didn't go to sleep until 2am. But then she slept til 8am. Tonight we are going to try to not let her sleep so much in the evening so she'll sleep at night. We'll see. At least tomorrow is Saturday so we can all sleep in and Mark doesn't have to worry about work. I guess he was pretty tired today. He came home after work and had a nap. I have to get groceries so I'm pawning Abby off on her father and grandmother! An hour out by myself will be so nice!!
Abby with Grandma
This Squishy-Face. This is what she looks like after a meal. She is fed up and very happy, and floppy.

Abby with Grandma