
This afternoon, once I got Abby asleep, I made my Christmas cookies. I only make one thing - snickerdoodles. But I make a lot of them so it's all good. I actually made a triple batch so there will some to take when we visit family. Abby woke up just as the last of the cookies finished baking. She's developed a nice case of cradle cap. From what I've read, it's not serious and it's not bothering her. It just looks really bad. That coupled with the baby acne and I have a very interesting looking child. Not at all like what you see on TV. Oh well, in a few months she'll be back to her regular cute self. And she's still pretty cute even with a scaly face and scalp.

I've noticed there are four phases to putting her to sleep.
Phase 1 - She stops crying
Phase 2 - Her head gets heavy and starts bobbing, also her eyes get really heavy
Phase 3 - She is asleep but her arms are still stiff
Phase 4 - She is in a deep sleep. You can move her arms without her even noticing.

I like Phase 4. I really like Phase 4. In Phase 4, I can put her down and she stays asleep. My back gets a rest and I can sit down. And I can do things. Like pee, have a shower or eat. Things I took for granted before she was born. Even going on the computer is impossible when she is crying. Right now she's in Phase 4. I've paid the bills, did some Facebooking and now I'm updating the blog. I'm not too sure what to do next. I feel like I need to take advantage of these times. Maybe I'll get ready for bed and get everything ready for her to go to bed.


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