Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again
While it is true that women can multi-task, there is a limit on how many things you can do or think about at once. For example...getting ready to go and run errands. Apparently I can remember to put a disposable diaper on Abby, I can get her into the car seat, put away the dog, get my list and get my letter to mail and the movie to return. My brain even has room to remember to start the truck so Abby won't have to get into a cold vehicle. But that's where it stops. The part about remembering to take my wallet didn't make it. That is until I get ready to get in line and reach for it only to find a very empty pocket. So I left my cart at Customer Service, drove home and drove back. I almost didn't want to go back but then I have to do it all over again tomorrow and who knows what I'd forget then!
I've tried to keep up on my exercising. But it's hard when the only way Abby sleeps is strapped to me. Although I have noticed that the sure fire way to get her to calm down once she's in the Trekker is to do deep knee bends. The deeper the better. My legs are going to be so strong by the time she's 6 months! And I'm pretty sure it's good on the core muscles. It takes a lot of strength to keep vertical when you are bending like that. And sometimes it takes a long time before she finally drifts off the sleep. My legs get really tired and last night, I was actually sweating! I looked over at Mark and said that some women pay $50 a month to do what I was doing. And today when I was on Main Street, I couldn't find a parking spot so I had to walk a block with Abby in the car seat. It doesn't sound like a lot, but she is heavy on her own let alone strapped into a car seat. So that worked my biceps. And my legs. Now I get to relax, forget about everything - done, and make myself a cup of tea. Abby just fell asleep so I should be good for a little while.
On the weekend, the three of us watched a movie. Only one of us made it through.
I've tried to keep up on my exercising. But it's hard when the only way Abby sleeps is strapped to me. Although I have noticed that the sure fire way to get her to calm down once she's in the Trekker is to do deep knee bends. The deeper the better. My legs are going to be so strong by the time she's 6 months! And I'm pretty sure it's good on the core muscles. It takes a lot of strength to keep vertical when you are bending like that. And sometimes it takes a long time before she finally drifts off the sleep. My legs get really tired and last night, I was actually sweating! I looked over at Mark and said that some women pay $50 a month to do what I was doing. And today when I was on Main Street, I couldn't find a parking spot so I had to walk a block with Abby in the car seat. It doesn't sound like a lot, but she is heavy on her own let alone strapped into a car seat. So that worked my biceps. And my legs. Now I get to relax, forget about everything - done, and make myself a cup of tea. Abby just fell asleep so I should be good for a little while.
On the weekend, the three of us watched a movie. Only one of us made it through.
