Waste of a Good Rant
This always happens to me. Something really bugs me and I get a really good story together to write on my blog. But I'm not near the computer so I write it down on paper so I can type it up later. But by the time I write it out and find time to type it up, I'm not so mad anymore. Today's story was about how a telemarketer phoned me this morning and woke up Abby and I couldn't get her back to sleep for a long time. I had a great write-up about it with pithy remarks and righteous indignation. Now that I here about to type it up, I just don't feel the same anymore. And then later in the morning, I burnt my toast but even that doesn't seem so bad anymore. It still tasted okay. I don't know if that makes me feel better or not. So this post is a lot shorter than I anticipated so I'll post some pictures of Abby and a short video. I'm sure you'd prefer to look at that more than my rant about recorded telemarketers that wake up babies.
