When Will I Learn?
I have officially joined the ranks of World of Warcraft player. Last night, after months of trying, Mark finally convinced me to create a character and start playing. So I'm a human warlock. I'm only level 3 so far but it's fun. But last night, I was so tired. My eyes weren't working so well so I had to shut it down after only two quests. I left and watched TV, but I could hardly concentrate on that so I turned the volume down and tried to sleep. But that didn't work. So I played with Abby for awhile.
Abby's gone back to sleeping through the night. The last few nights she's slept 7-8 hours in a row! Whoo-hoo! I still find myself quite tired. I guess going to bed at midnight and getting up at 8:00 just isn't enough sleep for me. It should be. It's 8 hours. Oh well.
This morning I did something really stupid. You know how your mother is always telling you to wash your hands? Well she knows what she's talking about. I made a lasagna. After it was all done, I cleaned up and went to have a shower. Before I got in, I put my contacts in. Now, lasagna has onions in it and I totally forgot about that. I figured that since I had wiped down the counter and table, I was fine. No, I was not. The effect was not immediate but soon after, my eyes started to burn and tears rolled down my face. It was like I was right back int he kitchen cutting up onions again. I have learned.
Abby's gone back to sleeping through the night. The last few nights she's slept 7-8 hours in a row! Whoo-hoo! I still find myself quite tired. I guess going to bed at midnight and getting up at 8:00 just isn't enough sleep for me. It should be. It's 8 hours. Oh well.
This morning I did something really stupid. You know how your mother is always telling you to wash your hands? Well she knows what she's talking about. I made a lasagna. After it was all done, I cleaned up and went to have a shower. Before I got in, I put my contacts in. Now, lasagna has onions in it and I totally forgot about that. I figured that since I had wiped down the counter and table, I was fine. No, I was not. The effect was not immediate but soon after, my eyes started to burn and tears rolled down my face. It was like I was right back int he kitchen cutting up onions again. I have learned.
I also found that 8 hours wasn't quite enough and usually ended up having to have a short 20 min nap during one of Chloe's. Now that she sleeps for 12 hours, I can get 8.5 - 9 hours. I don't know why, but that extra half an hour makes all the difference. Glad that she's sleeping all night again for you though.