No Trouble At All

We're dog-sitting for some friends of ours for a few days. The dog's name is Trouble which is kind of a misnomer since she is a really good dog. It's nice for Deeds to have a friend to play with. It's really funny to watch them. They will stare at each other then jump and run around then suddenly stop and stare again. Then it's off running and jumping some more. But I have to say, Deeds is not the laziest dog in the house. I was getting out some treats for them and Deeds ran up to me and jumped and tried to see what I had in my hand. Trouble layed there and stared at me. Oh she was interested but not enough to actually get up and come over. So I ended up just throwing her the treat. Maybe she's just so well behaved that she knows not to get excited over treats. 

Abby had her 6 month doctor's appointment today. The clinic phoned yesterday and said there was an opening. So we went this morning. She's doing well. She finally smiled at the doctor. No problems. He did mention that she should be getting water so she doesn't get constipated. I don't think that's a big issue with her. Her last poop was a doosie. She hadn't pooped on Saturday or Sunday so I was getting a bit concerned but I read that some times babies wait a few days between poops. On Monday, she pooped enough for the whole week. It was wet and liquidy and dark and smelled so bad my teeth hurt. I had to wipe her off with her diaper an extra liner and so many wipes that I lost track before she was finally clean. 

Right now she has the hiccups and giggles after each one.


Amy said…
Awww. I LOVE this entry! You write about Trouble's "laid backness" so well, it made me laugh hard. I'm glad she was so good for you, but yes, you got it right on that one: she definitely is the lazier one between her and Dee Dee. In her defense, her hips do cause her some discomfort and awkwardness with flattening out (thus the glucosamine), but sometimes I wonder if she could be bothered less to interact. We haven't been the most interactive family a dog could have (*sad face*)... but we are trying to reverse that a bit.

Thank you so much for doing that for us!!

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