Don't It Just Figure

I was just mentioning to my parents that it hasn't rained very much here and the rain we did get barely got the ground wet. Today started out as a beautiful day (although someone mentioned that it was supposed to rain) and after church, it was even better. Mark said that since it was such a nice day, we should do something. We couldn't figure out what to do so we just sat around for awhile. I decided that since I had talked about it for a while, I was going to wash the windows. So I took Abby out and Mark came out and washed windows with me. After that was done, he spread weed and feed on the lawn. I could see dark clouds in the distance. But no rain. Even after we came inside, I played with and fed Abby, no rain. Now as I look outside, rain. The ground may be wet, but hardly anything else is. If we don't get a big rain soon, we're going to have some nasty forest fires. But what are ya going to do? I think my attitude has changed a lot since Abby was born. It might have started while I was still pregnant. I don't know if it's for the better or not. On the one hand, I'm less patient. I used to let people say whatever they wanted and I would smile back at them politely. Now if they are rude, I'm not so nice back. The good thing is that I stand up for myself more and I don't care as much about what other people think. I'm not so terrified of conflict that I will blindly agree with anything anyone says or quickly change the subject just to avoid an argument. So that's a good thing. I think I have to work on finding a balance between being respectful and being assertive. I'm done being a doormat but I don't want to turn into a jerk.


Amy said…
You couldn't be a jerk if you tried!! I mean TRIED. You might feel like one, but you are thoroughly a good, deep, spiritual person, so neener, neener!

But I totally get that growth-thing where you realize you just aren't going to suffer people's rudeness at your own expense. It looks good on you, girl. Guess living with Mark has rubbed off on ya! *wink, wink!

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