Random Thoughts Part II

Did you know that brimstone is actually sulfur? So when people talk about Hell being full of fire and brimstone, they are actually saying that Hell is full of fire and sulfur. Or burning sulfur. Which is exactly what it has been smelling like here the last few days. Like Hell. Literally. Not only can you smell it, you can taste it. From the time it took to go outside, hook the dog up to her leash, I could taste it. Then I walked to the garbage bins and tossed in a bag, walked back to the dog and unhooked. I had made it back inside and was taking off my shoes when my chest started to hurt and I started coughing. I hate the smelter. I used to joke that it was the smell of money. Money stinks.

I've come up with a better memory. It's when I was about 8 months pregnant and I was running court. One of the lawyers wanted to bump up in line to get his case heard before it was his turn. I told him too bad because there was an order and the judge said the order and when he's not in the room, it's my courtroom so too bad. The other lawyers were impressed with my assertiveness and it made me feel good. So that's going to be my new coffee making memory. It's taking a bit of work, I actually have to consciously tell myself to remember it but soon it will just pop in my head. I hope.

I got Abby weighed and measured on Wednesday. She is 20 lbs 10 oz and 27 inches long. Her head is a bit bigger than the nurse would have liked but it's not a big deal. Yet. Apparently, it's not following the graph. It just keeps getting bigger. Must be all the brains.


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