Toothy Tale

Abby has developed an annoying habit. She's started grinding her teeth. She started a few weeks back when she was sick. I couldn't tell if she was actually doing it or it was her trying to breathe through her nose because she had a soother in her mouth at the time. But this is positively grinding her teeth. It's a horrible sound. But apparently not uncommon. So whenever she does it, I stick my finger in her mouth and tell her "no." Hopefully that's enough.

Abby is getting another tooth on the bottom. It's just starting to peek out.


Jen said…
This is so common when they are getting new teeth. Both my girls did it for a short time.

My Abby started griding her teeth again a year or two ago and it hasn't stopped. It's horrible horrible sound!
Tanya said…
Chloe did that too. Brian hated it. We just ignored it and she stopped after a while. I think they are just fascinated by the sound it makes. Once she discovers something new, she'll do that all the time.

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