Whose Child is This? PT 2
Seriously! When I was a baby, I could not be held to be put to sleep. My mom had to lay me down and then I would fall asleep. My kid? Will not fall asleep unless she's being held. And then if you put her down too early, she'll wake up and yell at you. And the soother thing. My mom had to cut them all up before I finally gave them up. I probably would have gone to school with them had she not done that. My kid? She's never really been a fan, except when she's tired. That used to be the test to see if she was really tired or just cranky. Last night she outright refused the soother. Which is bad because the way it goes is she nurses with me in the bed then I slip the soother in and she falls asleep - and so do I. Last night went she nurses with me in the bed until I slip the soother, she freaks and we start over again. Repeat. Then she finally falls asleep and rolls over on her own. It took a bit longer but it still worked. Tonight she refused it altogether. I held her and she drifted off to sleep. I never tried the soother and she never asked (demanded).
I finally cut her bangs. It took three attempts and it's really crooked but it's out of her eyes. And yes, I kept some hair. 