I've Never been to Band Camp so Don't Even Ask!

I joined the Community Band. It's a lot of fun. There were only 7 of us of there on Sunday but it was fun. I play flute and my friend also plays flute so it's awesome. We're going to rock! As soon as I relearn how to play. We all had to play our Concert Bb to tune. I was doing well until I had to play by myself to make sure I was in tune. Suddenly I couldn't play Bb. I kept looking at my fingers and my friend showed me the fingering but I was still wrong. It's was embarrassing. Finally I played it and it was right. Argg. I think my right hand slipped down a note. But I got it after that. I think I did okay for not playing since 1996. We have some really interesting pieces and it's going to be lots of fun.

Abby is massively teething. I bought some Orajel so she can have some relief. For a little while I thought it made her sleep better at night. Last night did not prove this theory. So I had a cup of coffee in the morning and I was okay. I had court today and it went long. I didn't get a lunch break until 2:30 so I had another cup of coffee at lunch. I'm a little tired now but it's all good.

Abby is stuck under the piano bench so I better go.


Amers said…
Lol!! You're so cute! And the whole "Abby's stuck under the piano bench so I'd better go" line cracked me up!!

It's exciting that the Community Band made your blog!! (*tee hee!*) I totally get the fingering thing, though. If it makes you feel any better, I did that my THIRD year of university with the bassoon. Of course, I was just coming out of a concussion right about then (K and I had been in a serious, serious rollover) just a month prior, BUT... we were in Octet practice and the other bassoon girl had to show me and I barely remembered. I remember my professor looking at me expectantly and this huge awkward silence from the group as I tried to grasp things I'd learned two years before...

My point? I still think about it, but I'm sure no one else does. 'S'no big deal!

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