Missed Opportunities
Yesterday I was bored. Really bored. I was wandering around the house looking for something to do. It wasn't until the evening that I realized I had forgotten all about band practice! BLAST!
Awhile back I was lamenting the fact that Abby doesn't have any pink sleepers. Then I was looking for the box of hand me down dresses she got from her cousins when I stumbled on a box labelled 12m+. And in it were two sleepers. One yellow with ducks and one pink one!
Which is now too small. BLAST!This is the third time I've written this post. The first time I hit the cut button but then couldn't get the paste button to work. The second time everything was fine until Abby crawled under the computer desk and hit the bright shiny button which is also the power button.
This is what Abby does when you give her (or she finds) a Kleenex. She holds it up to her nose, takes a deep breath...and then rips it into shreds.