So Much for That

I'm going back to my "I don't know why she sometimes sleeps through the night and sometimes wakes up so often that she drives me crazy" theory.

Yeah, it was another one of those nights when it seems like she was awake more than she was asleep. She went to bed alright but woke up before 1am. Then finally drifted off at 2:15. Then woke up at 3am. I'm not too sure when she fell asleep again because we let her cry it out and I think I fell asleep before she did. But then she woke up at 7:30 and slept with me until I decided I'd better get up (around 9:30). Ugg. Maybe she's teething.

I was going to run a bunch of errands this morning but Mark took the truck to go hunting. Guess I won't be going anywhere. Oh well, I didn't tell that I was planning this and I knew he wanted to go hunting so he would probably take the truck. I could use a nap anyway.

Update. Mark came home from hunting. Didn't even see a bird. So we ran the errands together. Abby is having a nap and I'm thinking I might have one too.

It's never a bad idea to get some fresh air anyway so I'm going to try to stick with a walk a day. Unless it's raining (like today).


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