Nest Watch 2.0

I’m back on Nest Watch! 

We’ve been trying to keep the birds from building nest underneath our deck. Well, particularly the swallows because they dive bomb you as soon they have a nest. So today, my husband said that despite our efforts, there was a nest right underneath the back deck. But he didn’t think it was a swallow’s nest. So of course I had to check it out!! 

As soon as I got near the nest, I could hear a robin chirping at my from the trees. I stuck my phone up as far as I could to try and get a good picture. And sure enough, as soon as I saw that blue, I knew...not a swallow!! 

This is a shot from overhead through the deck. I hope that this way I’ll get some good candid nest shots this way without scaring away Mama. I think I’ll call her Rebecca. 


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