
This was the weekend that should have been. Oh the plans we had! On Thursday, my youngest was complaining that she wasn’t feeling well. We decided to skip Taekwondo so she could rest. She woke up at 5am the next morning with a high fever. My husband drove into school to quickly prep for a sub so he could stay home with her.

Today should have been our big day. Youngest was going to host a play date (something she and her friend had planned for two weeks) because her sister was going skiing with the rest of the Guides (something she’s been looking forward to since they went last year). Because the little one’s fever hadn’t let up all weekend, I had to cancel the play date. She was pretty disappointed but she took it better than I thought. She spent all weekend resting and taking Tylenol/Advil every four hours.

As for the other daughter? She woke up at 6am this morning ready to go. However, so did the wind from last night! Oh, I didn’t mention, it rained/snowed last night and the wind was so bad I had a terrible sleep. I checked the weather as she ate breakfast. While it was super windy here, the rest of the area had white-out conditions and travel not recommended. They got 45 minutes out of town before deciding to turn around and come home. She too was pretty disappointed but I think the windy drive convinced her that it was the best decision. Ski trip cancelled.

On the plus side, because i didn’t have any plans anymore I made some cookies. They turned out really well.

As for the play date, we rescheduled for next Saturday. Hopefully she’ll feel better but I am thinking that I may have to take a day tomorrow. And the ski trip? We’ll have to wait and see about that one.


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