All winter I’ve been on the lookout for a snowy owl. All winter. I saw a couple great horned owls but no snowy owls. But finally, after months of waiting, and now that’s it’s nearly spring, there she was. Sitting on top of a power line. Looking around. It’s amazing how fast they can turn their heads!
I took the dog out and I was grateful for the opportunity to get closer and perhaps get a better picture. I so badly wanted to walk down the driveway to get closer. I wanted to get as close as I could. When she took off I could get that amazing takeoff photo that I love so much.
But then I stopped. If I walked down that driveway and scared her off just to get that takeoff photo, that’s all I’d be left with. I’ve always felt that snowy owls were far more skittish than hawks and far more rare. So I turned around.
A lesson in self control.
I went back inside and watched her from the window. She sat there for at least an hour. Looking around. Finally as it was getting darker, she flew away. No, I didn’t get a great picture but she found a safe spot to rest and watch. Nothing chased her off, she left because she choose to. Maybe she’ll be back. Maybe I’ll see her again before next winter. I’ll just have to be patient.