Birds, Booze, and iPhone Games

Not gonna lie. Today was a rough day. Working at home has its drawbacks. And I’m not not talking about trying to put in an honest day’s work while helping with the kids’ schoolwork and general child supervision. Today was particularly rough because I was so frustrated with my computer. I’m used to working on a computer that when you hit a button, it works. But since I’m at home and working remotely, my computer is 10x slower. I open a document and wait. I add to the document and wait. I save the document and wait. And pray it doesn’t crash. Which it did many times today. Then, while I’m waiting, my bosses are emailing more work for me to do!* I’ve learned that the beginning of the week is always busier than the last half so I tried to tell myself that I’m earning my quiet Thursday/Friday.  But it just wasn’t working today. I was getting more frustrated than I remember being at this job.

So I managed to medicate myself with a doze of birds, booze and iPhone games. And not in that order.

Every so often before I boil over, I walk around my house and check out the various birds I see.


While I wait for files to save, I play a game. (It probably didn’t help that I was stuck on a particularly tough level).

And after work is over, I have a glass of wine. On another note, my husband finished bottling a new batch of wine. It was a few years old and it froze in the sea-can but it turned out pretty well. 

I understand that it’s not a sustainable treatment but neither is this arrangement. Soon I’ll be back at work. The girls will be back at school and all will be right with the world. Tomorrow is another day. Probably a better day. I’m already feeling better. Sometimes we just have to struggle through the rough patches and trust we’ll get through it relatively unscathed. Hopefully.

*This is in no means a complaint against my bosses. They are awesome. I honestly couldn’t work for better people. They always put the best interests of their employees first and are wonderful people to work for.


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