For the Birds

I’ve seen a few new birds around the place recently. A pair of Canada Geese have made a nest in a broken bale of hay. I’ve seen a goose sitting on that bale for nearly a week now and it probably been longer! Hopefully the neighbour doesn’t need to seed anytime soon. Today the guy who owns all the hay came by to check out his bales. He drove by the nest, took a good look at it then drove away. Also didn’t pick up any of his bales. I wouldn’t mess with a goose’s nest either. There’s a reason they’re called cobra chickens!

And the there are these guys. At first I thought they were some type of heron. But I couldn’t find one that fit the description and lived anywhere near here. So I did more googling and discovered a type of bird called a ibis. I have never seen them before.

This is a white-faces ibis. The photo is taken from the Audubon app. 

And then a collection of the many other birds I’ve seen around here. There’s a lot more activity around here. I even saw the fox again. My daughter was taking the garbage out and the fox watched her from the road. Then it took off running the other way. Good choice. 


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