Crazy Eight

Planning a birthday party is not easy. Add into it a global pandemic where people can’t be together and it makes it nearly impossible. But I think we pulled it off! 

She wanted to have her party at the bowling alley. She’s never had a party at the bowling alley so this was going to be the year. Until it wasn’t. So we did the next best thing. The local police and fire departments were offering to drive by any kids’ house who had a birthday. I wasn’t sure if they would do that since we don’t actually live in town but I guess we live close enough because they drove out at lunchtime lights and sirens going to deliver a card and a bunch of activities for her! I can’t imagine what they neighbours were thinking!!

She also did a few traditional birthday activities too! She had her favourite meals - Kraft Dinner for lunch and ham and cottage cheese perogies with a side of red bell peppers for supper. She also had a birthday cake - Oreo cheesecake (pictured above). Oh, and Pringle’s for a snack!

We had the idea to FaceTime with both grandparents and a few aunts and uncles so they could see her blowing out the candles and opening her gifts. Until we actually tried to do it! Oh boy, technology is great when it works! It took an iPad, and two phones and the combined tech of FaceTime and Skype to get it all done. We had one set of grandparents on my phone, the other set on my husband’s phone and aunts and uncles on the iPad. But in the end, after some struggles, everyone who wanted to watch was able to watch!!

I guess in a way it was like a normal birthday party. It had its stressful moments, some logical issues, too many sweets, and lots of love from family and friends. What more can you ask for?


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