Cold Turkey

Boy is it a cold one today. There's a warning today for snow and a storm. Possible 5cm of snow. NOOO! I hope it stays away for just a little longer.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Well, Thanksgiving Sunday that is. At church, they are having Thanksgiving dinner after the service. I'm bringing coleslaw. I thought about buying a head of cabbage but then decided that buying already chopped coleslaw in a bag was so much easier. However, we bumped into the pastor's wife (who organized the food), and she saw my two bags of coleslaw. So my secret is out. I was quite embarrassed but it lessened when we bumped into another lady from the church and she asked if I was making coleslaw because she is too and also has two bags of the bagged coleslaw in her cart.

It was so busy in the grocery store today. I shouldn't be surprised. But I hate shopping in crowds, especially grocery shopping. I like to take my time and weigh every purchase carefully. I like to compare brands and prices and walk slowly up and down the aisles. I usually do my grocery shopping in the middle of the morning. The only people I see are employees, retired people and young women with babies. I can stand and stare at the different soya sauces as long as I want. But today I had to rush. I hate to rush. And I had to make sure the cart was in the way of other shoppers. I hate crowds. But we made it through it. We even bought candy for Halloween. Two holidays at the same time!

I'll fill you in on all the Thanksgiving news later. I hope I remember how to make the dressing for the coleslaw. This oughta be good.


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