
Last night I went to a ladies meeting at one of the their houses. Well, it was getting dark when I set out and by the time I found the place, it was completely dark. I had looked at the map in the telephone book and thought it wasn't too hard to get to. So when I left, I was fairly sure where I was going. Then, I couldn't find the first street to turn on to. But that's okay cuz there is another I can turn on. Except that that street didn't go where I wanted it to. And I couldn't read the street signs because it's dark and the signs are old and hard to read in bright daylight. So I pulled over and got my map. I can't find the street. It's not there. I decided to go home. It's getting late and maybe the map at home will help. Then I think that I'll have one more look. So I pull over again and check. I found the street. And I realized where I need to go. So I take off again. And all of the sudden I'm back to where I was a minute ago. One big loop. Great. Now I'm wondering if it's worth showing up for. But now I know where I'm going so I drive and find the street. But now I have to find the house. And it isn't marked. I park where I think the house should be and walk closer. Sure enough, through the window, I see a bunch of women sitting a talking. Hooray! After all that, I wasn't too late and I ended up having a nice evening.

It snowed today. Real snow. Cold snow. Now it's blowing all over the streets and covering the grass. It's not deep but it is there. But one nice thing is that they sanded right away. They are very good about that. Well, think of the accidents if they didn't. It's all hills, and steep ones too. I've always said that I don't mind paying taxes so long as they go to something. I didn't mind paying taxes today if it means that I can drive safely. I had a few errands to run. I went to the library and the bank and....drum roll please, to get gas. Now this isn't usually a drum rollable errand and normal people do this all the time, but where I get gas is at the cardlock, where there is no one to pump gas for me. So I had to pump my own gas all by myself. And I did it! I was so proud. And scared. I was worried I didn't get the nozzle in properly and gas would come rushing out. And then I was worried that it wouldn't turn off and gas would come gushing out. But it all worked out and the tank was filled and no gushing or rushing of gas occurred. Then I put the nozzle thingy away and drove away without incident. I felt rather good. There is something to be said for personal accomplishment even if it is pumping your own gas. Now I'm not scared of self-serve gas stations. It's not that hard. I'm a pro.


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