Making Friends
What has been a pleasant surprise moving here, is making new friends. People are quite friendly so it's been somewhat easy. I've always been hesitant to make friends because we've moved around so much that I don't what to invest a lot of myself just to leave them. I know that sounds kinda cold, but it's true. But since I figure we may be here awhile, I don't mind putting down some roots. We've met a few people that we call friends and more acquaintances. We met a couple at church today. They are our age and have no kids. It's always important to say that because most couples around here have kids. It's nice to finally meet someone in the same stage of life. They are from South Africa and just moved here a month before us. So we have a lot in common. Not so much birthplaces but the fact that we are away from our families and friends and home scenery for the first time. And we are both adjusting to it. We both are enjoying it, but it's definitely different. At least Mark and I have seen snow before. He is eager to go ice fishing and Mark is eager to go as well. We don't know too much about this life here and they know even less so it's good to learn together. He taught me something about the ice today, in fact. When the water freezes, then melts, it makes cracks in the ice and sometime when it gets cold again, the ice will run into each other like the plates do underground to make a earthquake. Well, when the ice does this, it shots the ice in the air. I never knew this happened. It would be neat to see. So anyway, it will nice to get to know this couple better. She goes to the Women's Meeting with me so we will keep in touch that way at least. They seem really nice and good to get to know better.
I made a roast chicken for supper tonight. I was impressed with how the bird came out. However, I had to phone my Mom about how to cook the potatoes and how to make gravy. She was working so Dad gave me a cooking lesson. I didn't know it was the boiling that made gravy thicken. I never ate gravy so I never paid any attention to how they made it. So the potatoes came out well, but the gravy was thin and a bit clumpy. Next time I'll get it right.
I made a roast chicken for supper tonight. I was impressed with how the bird came out. However, I had to phone my Mom about how to cook the potatoes and how to make gravy. She was working so Dad gave me a cooking lesson. I didn't know it was the boiling that made gravy thicken. I never ate gravy so I never paid any attention to how they made it. So the potatoes came out well, but the gravy was thin and a bit clumpy. Next time I'll get it right.
I hope that you got your belated birthday card via e-mail!!! and I hope that all is well with you!! I have been going christmas crazy is exciting and my favorite time of year except for maybe the freezing cold part!!!