
I have a cold. There, I said it. I usually deny being sick until it is too obvious to hide. For the last few night, when I got up to feed Abby, my nose was stuffed and my throat was sore. Finally, yesterday I was really sick. I was exhausted. Abby and I had a nap in bed. I think it helped but I didn't feel that much better. Last night I needed a Halls to sleep. I really hope Abby doesn't catch this. She's always near me but I'm trying to shield her but there is only so much you can do. Usually when I get sick, I sleep a lot and I feel better quicker. I don't think that is going to work this time! Today I feel a bit better but we're staying home from church anyway as to not chance anything. Besides, it's really cold out there. Speaking of Abby, she's sleeping better. Not so much in the way of sleeping through the night, but when I put her down, she stays down. Last night I didn't have to get up and re-tuck her in once! An right now, she's napping in the trekker. I think because she's napping so well in the day, she sleeps better at night. And now I know her signs of needing a nap. Her acne has gone away but she still has the cradle cap. She also has a huge scratch on her cheek from when she was so mad and scratched herself. It's dark too. So I clipped her nails really well and hopefully that won't happen again.

On Friday night, I had a bad case of Phantom Baby. That's when I can hear her crying but it's really faint, like she's far away. And when I check on her, she's sound asleep. The only way I can tell it's not real is that is too quiet to be her. It's really weird and I feel really conflicted. These cries sound serious - like she's screaming for something. I want to get up and go to her so bad but I know it's not her. It's hard to ignore your baby's screaming even if it's not real.


Anonymous said…
Glad she is sleeping better and also hope she doesn't get a cold. Breastfeeding should help. It is good for their immune system. Chloe has had one for almost two weeks now and it sucks, although she seems to be starting to get better. Also, the cradle cap apparentely goes away on its own eventually, although Chloe still has some at 9 months. Fortunately, she has so much hair that it is not really visible.
I just saw your blog from a link on Jen's blog and I just had to laugh out loud. I get phantom baby in the shower, I never had a good name for it. Love that.!

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