Is It Working?
I have now started doing something I thought I never would. As you all know, Abby is still getting up lots during the night. Mark was so tired at school this last week and one of his colleagues noticed. She suggested that if we end up taking Abby to our room anyway, let's just start the night with her in bed with us. So for the last two nights, we have all gone to bed together. I don't know if I'm actually getting more sleep but when she wakes up to eat, she goes back to sleep a lot faster. And she stays asleep. Last night she woke up every hour and a half to two hours. I can't image what it would have been like if I had to get out of bed and get her back to sleep. At least this way, we both can drift back to sleep.
Weaning update...she took that bottle a lot better yesterday. And drank almost all of it. Hopefully she'll do the same today. I'm only doing one feeding a day for now then bumping it up to two later.
How can you tell I needed to clean my kitchen?
I lost my strainer the other day. I just couldn't understand what was going on! I mean, it's a strainer. How do you lose a strainer? It's not like a fork or a knife which can slip between something and fall or get lost in the dishwasher. And it's not like a serving dish that I would lend to someone. And it's not like a fancy gravy boat that I only use twice a year. So this was going on for a couple days and I was totally at a loss. Then I decided it was time to tidy up the sink. I had a cutting board sitting in the sink so I decided to wipe it off and put it away. Sure enough, under the cutting board, there was my strainer.