What Have We Become
I guess I, like most people, have been sucked into the Recession (capitalised because I really believe that it has turned into an entity). I haven't given it too much though other than feeling sorry for Ontario autoworkers and people in the States who have lost their homes and jobs and pensions. My heart does go out to them. I guess it really didn't hit me because I feel safe. My money is in a bank that even if it does go under, my money is safe. My RRSP contributions have just started so if it was wiped out, I can start again. Mark won't lose his job so long as the town doesn't collapse. And even if there were cutbacks and I lost mine, we could manage.
I've spent pretty the entire Recession watching The Daily Show and laughing at how all the financial analysts spoke like they knew everything and turned out to be so very, very wrong. I would sit on the couch every 10:05 and watch Jon Stewart take these people to task in an amusing way. Now you have to understand. It's his job to make jokes. First and foremost, he has to make people laugh. Then he points the hypocrisy and bald-face lying of people in the public. For the last week, he has had a feud with Jim Cramer (host of Mad Money on CNBC). It's been great TV. And that's all I've considered it, until last night. Jon Stewart had Jim Cramer on the show to have a debate. Now, I know it wasn't a fair fight. It was Jon Stewart's show, on his set with his studio audience with his collection of carefully selected clips to prove his pont. And yes, he didn't really let Jim Cramer defend himself but when your show starts off "In Cramer We Trust" you pretty well open yourself up to criticism. I thought the interview (can be seen on The Daily Show website - it's unedited so discretion is advised) was really good but then again, I'm a fan of Jon Stewart. One thing that really got me was when they started talking about the high profit, high risk, fast money and the people you take your money and put it into these kinds of stocks. Jon said it was like an adventure and we are capitalizing their adventure. It was at that moment when I realized that these people don't care. They really don't care. They don't care that this someone's retirement. That this is someone's college fund. They are effectively ruining people's lives and they don't care. (Jon puts it much better, and humorously) I wanted to cry. A deep, sad feeling came over me and I could actually feel it in the pit of my stomach. It made me think back to high school, when someone makes fun of you and really hurts your feelings. You go to that person to confront them. They laugh at you and shrug their shoulders. You stand there screaming, "Acknowledge me. Acknowledge that you hurt me and feel some remorse for that hurt you caused me!" But they laugh and walk away. That is the closest I have ever come to crying during The Daily Show.
On a much better note, I have more pictures of Abby. She has started making some really strange faces. Her really happy smile looks like the grin of some evil genius thinking about their plot to rule the world.

This is another of her weird faces.
This is my child.
I've spent pretty the entire Recession watching The Daily Show and laughing at how all the financial analysts spoke like they knew everything and turned out to be so very, very wrong. I would sit on the couch every 10:05 and watch Jon Stewart take these people to task in an amusing way. Now you have to understand. It's his job to make jokes. First and foremost, he has to make people laugh. Then he points the hypocrisy and bald-face lying of people in the public. For the last week, he has had a feud with Jim Cramer (host of Mad Money on CNBC). It's been great TV. And that's all I've considered it, until last night. Jon Stewart had Jim Cramer on the show to have a debate. Now, I know it wasn't a fair fight. It was Jon Stewart's show, on his set with his studio audience with his collection of carefully selected clips to prove his pont. And yes, he didn't really let Jim Cramer defend himself but when your show starts off "In Cramer We Trust" you pretty well open yourself up to criticism. I thought the interview (can be seen on The Daily Show website - it's unedited so discretion is advised) was really good but then again, I'm a fan of Jon Stewart. One thing that really got me was when they started talking about the high profit, high risk, fast money and the people you take your money and put it into these kinds of stocks. Jon said it was like an adventure and we are capitalizing their adventure. It was at that moment when I realized that these people don't care. They really don't care. They don't care that this someone's retirement. That this is someone's college fund. They are effectively ruining people's lives and they don't care. (Jon puts it much better, and humorously) I wanted to cry. A deep, sad feeling came over me and I could actually feel it in the pit of my stomach. It made me think back to high school, when someone makes fun of you and really hurts your feelings. You go to that person to confront them. They laugh at you and shrug their shoulders. You stand there screaming, "Acknowledge me. Acknowledge that you hurt me and feel some remorse for that hurt you caused me!" But they laugh and walk away. That is the closest I have ever come to crying during The Daily Show.
On a much better note, I have more pictures of Abby. She has started making some really strange faces. Her really happy smile looks like the grin of some evil genius thinking about their plot to rule the world.
This is another of her weird faces.