Disaster Averted

I was emptying the dishwasher when I heard Abby crying. A wave of relief washed over me. I ran to her room, picked her up and wrapped her in the biggest hug I could muster. I just stood there, in her room, rocking her back and forth hugging her tightly. All my frustrations and all my anger slowly dripped out of me. It felt so good to hold her. I gave her a big kiss on the cheek and she gave me an even bigger kiss back. I love kisses from Abby, even if you do have to dry your face afterwards. I feel so much better. We went for groceries and she rode in the cart like a big girl. I can see her growing up so fast. I miss her already. I need to get another big hug and slobbery kiss from her. Bye. 

P.S. Yeesh, you'd think my hormones are out of whack . I haven't been this messed up since she was born!


Tanya said…
I was like this too, when Chloe was about the same age as Abby is now. (I think it was a warning sign that my period was coming back but I didn't listen and got pregnant, so beware!) I love haapy just woken up babies. They make your whole day seem that much better!

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