What a Day

I hope everyone enjoyed the ball game on Tuesday. If you missed it, you probably need an extremely long explanation on why it rocked and I am a bit too tired for that so if you saw it and know what I am talking about...didn't that rock?! I have to admit, while Burnett was taking the long walk of shame back to the dugout, I felt a twinge of guilt/sadness. After all, he did pitch a pretty good game and he was a pretty good pitcher for the second half of last year. If only he weren't such a hissy brat. (There were other words I was going to choose but my mother reads this blog.) But it was great to see Halladay pitch really well and to see the support of the fans. I thinks that's really what hit me. Sure, people were there to boo Burnett but I think it was more of a way to support Halladay. He stayed and we're happy about it. We're taking sides and we choose Halladay.

I had originally started this post yesterday but didn't get a chance to finish it. We had a very big day yesterday. Abby and I went to a class on Introduction to Solid Foods. I was the only one that brought a baby. The other mothers left them at home with grandmas. :( Plus it was really cold and snowing and extremely windy. I don't blame them for not bringing baby along. I however, needed to. Before we started we went around and introduced ourselves and said how old our babies are. When I said that Abby is 7 1/2 months, the presenter asked if I had started solid food. Then she asked how it was going. I said pretty good, I think. I guess I'll find out. Turns out I'm doing pretty good. I don't need to be so worried how much she is eating. I get worried if she doesn't eat her entire bowl. And I was scared the last time she ate green beans and gagged on them. I learned it's perfectly normal and expected. We even made some baby food. I got to take home some chick peas and apple sauce. One of the presenters held Abby while I was making chick peas and she almost fell asleep. When we left, she fell asleep in the truck. She had a short nap then it was time to go again.

I had to get Abby all bundled up again and the dog ready to go to the vet. I'm telling you, it's not easy to push around a baby in a stroller that has only three working wheels (the front wheels alternate which one is going to work and which one is going to go sideways). Plus drag a nervous dog across a shiny, slippery floor (she sticks out her claws and slides all over the place which actually makes it easier to drag her when she decided she doesn't want to go any farther.) Deeds is fine. She may have to get a tooth out some time in the future but she's healthy for now. Abby was very well behaved throughout the day. She enjoyed the class and meeting new people and she loved sitting in the waiting room watching Dee Dee walk around. I was exhausted when I got home. Mark had badminton finals so he didn't get home until 7:30. It was a big day for everyone. It's no wonder she slept through the night.


Julie said…
I completely agree about the ball game. I was nervous and excited all day about it. I felt a little bad for Burnett too on his way out, but not too bad :) It didn't really even bother me that they lost both of the games after that because that one went so well.

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