It's All Coming Back to Me Now
I walked into the office and I swear it felt like I was gone for a weekend.
I dropped Abby off at the babysitter. She started to cry so I just left. I got lost getting back to work because of the construction and the detour signs were put up in the wrong spots. Thanks. So I'm frazzled by the time I get to work. My boss has to go to Cranberry today so I'm by myself for the morning. It's funny what you remember. A lot of things I just had vague memories of. Like I needed to find a document on the computer. All I could think of was that it started with M. Sure enough, it was called Month End. It's those things that you do every day so you develop muscle memory. I found myself getting up and walking over to a certain spot in the room. And I would be able to find things. At lunch, I went home and I'm telling ya, it was so quiet not having a baby to watch and stop from getting into trouble.
My boss was back after lunch so we went over a few questions I had. We worked until 4:15 then Mark came in with Abby. She let me go home early so I got the scoop. Abby was a good girl. She had a short nap. When we got her home, she was quite fussy and fell asleep. She finally woke up (after I put all the dishes away in a not so quiet manner) and had her supper. And that's where we stand now. I better go, she's interested in the computer lights and has started eating paper off the floor.
I dropped Abby off at the babysitter. She started to cry so I just left. I got lost getting back to work because of the construction and the detour signs were put up in the wrong spots. Thanks. So I'm frazzled by the time I get to work. My boss has to go to Cranberry today so I'm by myself for the morning. It's funny what you remember. A lot of things I just had vague memories of. Like I needed to find a document on the computer. All I could think of was that it started with M. Sure enough, it was called Month End. It's those things that you do every day so you develop muscle memory. I found myself getting up and walking over to a certain spot in the room. And I would be able to find things. At lunch, I went home and I'm telling ya, it was so quiet not having a baby to watch and stop from getting into trouble.
My boss was back after lunch so we went over a few questions I had. We worked until 4:15 then Mark came in with Abby. She let me go home early so I got the scoop. Abby was a good girl. She had a short nap. When we got her home, she was quite fussy and fell asleep. She finally woke up (after I put all the dishes away in a not so quiet manner) and had her supper. And that's where we stand now. I better go, she's interested in the computer lights and has started eating paper off the floor.