I Forgot My Phone!

I didn’t plug my phone in last night because it was over 65%. I can usually get two days out of my phone battery. But the second evening is always kinda pushing it.

Today, after work, I checked the battery and saw it was near 20%. I knew my daughter had curling tonight and I had to get groceries so i figure I’d better charge it in order to to have something to do.

So I did. 

I was walking into the rink when I realized that I had forgotten my phone, still plugged in at, at home. 

My daughter kinda teased my that I wouldn’t be able to survive without my phone. And yeah, I’d likely get bored, but more so....my grocery list was on my phone! So I sat down at the rink and wrote out as much as I could remember. 

While I was shopping, there were a few times I went to reach for my phone to text my husband to see if we needed something and I had to catch myself. 

Oh well, I only forgot three things on my list and it could have been worse...I could have forgotten my wallet!!


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