Little People Little Problems
Little people little problems, big people big problems.
I had a well-meaning lady tell me this when my oldest was a toddler and screaming in pain due to constipation. I didn’t believe her then and I don’t believe her now.
If you have a problem, no matter how old you are, it’s going to bother you. Especially if you don’t know how to handle it. Little kids don’t know how to handle very much so yes, they have a lot of what adults would consider, little problems. If you’ve been through a lot, then yeah, you’ll be able to deal with more and maybe wonder why others get stressed when faced with something you deem little.
My daughter is dealing with friend trouble. A common occurrence for girls her age, one I went through as well. I want to tell her that it’s all going to be okay. I want to tell her that she should get over it cuz in the long-run, it’s not that big of a deal. I want her to know that in twenty years, she’s barely going to remember this.
But right now it sucks. It sucks so bad. And the only thing I can do is help her to get through it. So when she’s faced with even bigger problems, it will look small to her.