
The girls, and my husband have been off this week for the Easter Break. They’ve spent the week cleaning, running errands and doing some work. I, on the other hand, have been going to work like normal.

It’s been nice not having to worry about making lunches and being so strict about bedtimes.

And it’s been a long week. Except that I’ve found I’ve been saying that a lot lately. Like, every week for a month now. I don’t know if I need a break or just get used to it.

Now don’t get me wrong, I like my job, I really do. I just need to figure out how to relax a little more at work or at least not take ever so seriously. I keep thinking that maybe once I’ve been there longer and I feel more comfortable and confident I will less stressed. But I guess for now, I’ll enjoy my  evenings and make the most of my weekends.


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