
"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, then just when the days are twilight, when you need it the most, it stops." A.Bartlett Giamatti

And so it is over. Just like that, with a futile swipe of the bat, the season is over. Now let those who know everything write what they want. What could have happened if only. What should have happened if only. I, for one, do not believe in what ifs. The fact of the matter is that what happened happened. No two ways about it. Take it and leave it alone. It was good and it's gone. And it will come again. But boy, we sure had fun.


Mike said…
Hey, I live in Sandy Bay near Flin Flon, so it's cool to get another perspective on the place. It's also weird to think that there are people in Flin Flon using the Internets.

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