Nice People Rock

On Monday, I went to Canadian Tire to buy one of those 5 drawer storage units (to put all my scrapbooking stuff in). I also had Abby with me. So Abby is in her car seat in the cart and I have to lug the drawers to the cashout. That's fine. It lays across the top of the cart so Abby still has room. It looks kinda silly but it works. Until we hit the street. Pushing a cart in the snow is hard at the best of times. This was not the best of times. The cart is heavy because of Abby (who is now 18lbs 7 oz) and awkward due to the large storage unit laying across the cart. I can't steer because I need one hand on the drawers and I can't push because the cart is too heavy and getting stuck int he snow. So I finally grab the front of the cart and drag it to the truck, passing several people giving me strange looks. I manage to get both in the truck, after some more wrangling, and drive home grateful I made it.

Today, I got groceries. I stuck Abby (in her car seat again) to the top part of the cart and got all my groceries. The car seat fits into the top part of the cart and actually clicks in so it's really stable. That is until you hit snow. This time it's Abby who is in danger of sliding off the cart. Luckily there was a very helpful older couple ready and willing to give me a hand. The gentleman grabbed the front of the cart and pulled it for me so I could hold Abby in her spot. They really went out of their way and made my life so much easier. So to the couple that helped me get my cart to my truck, Thank You!

Tomorrow is the music night that I'm performing in. I'm a wee bit nervous. I have changed my selection of songs so many times now. There were a few that I really wanted to do but I just wasn't comfortable enough with them to play in front of people. So I narrowed it down to two that I think will work out. Puff the Magic Dragon and Wildwood Flower. I hope it goes well and people like my songs. My musical tastes are a little different from most but I think playing a mandolin kinda makes for a different musical genre anyway. Plus Wildwood Flower sounds really nice with a mandolin. Wish me luck!!


Anonymous said…
Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Wow! 18 lbs already! Chloe at one hovers between 19 and 20.
Maybe the snow will melt soon and have a good time at your music thing.

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